Intercorporeality at the limits of one's own body: An approach from somatoparaphrenia
Maria Clara Garavito Gomez, National University of Colombia
[unknown] UTC
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The Tacitly Situated Self
Giovanna Colombetti, Juan Diego Bogotá, University of Exeter, University of Jyväskylä
[unknown] UTC
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Introduction to Ecological Psychology
Julia Blau, Central Connecticut State University
[unknown] UTC
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From performing to mapping and choreographing complex thinking: challenges and opportunities
Ana Teixeira de Melo, Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra
[unknown] UTC
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Making sense of folk psychological practices: why philosophy needs anthropology
Annemarie Kalis, Utrecht University
[unknown] UTC
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Autonomy in the menstrual cycle
Alejandra Martinez Quintero, University of the Basque Country
[unknown] UTC
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Affect as the Harmonic Enrichment of Experience
Nathaniel Barrett, Institute for Culture and Society (Universidad de Navarre / University of Navarre)
[unknown] UTC
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An Enactive and Ecological Psychology Reading of the January 6, 2021, Invasion of the US Capitol Building.
John Protevi, Louisiana State University
[unknown] UTC
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[unknown] .
The Novel as Lifeworld Technology.
Karin Kukkonen, University of Oslo
[unknown] UTC
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You, Me, Spot, and Zoom: Puzzles in Presence and Intercorporeality
Robin Zebrowski, Beloit College
[unknown] UTC
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Affectivity in mental disorders: an enactive-simondonian approach
Enara Garcia, University of the Basque Country, University of Grenada
[unknown] UTC
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Beyond the realism-idealism trap with enactive perception
Thomas van Es, University of the Basque Country
[unknown] UTC
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Cognitive Modelling: A Language Game of Situated Cultural Practices
Inês Hipólito, Macquarie University, Philosophy Department and Berlin School of Mind and Brain (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
[unknown] UTC
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Narrative self and the habituality of the body
Katsunori Miyahara, Hokkaido University
[unknown] UTC
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Human agency in the age of algorithms
Abeba Birhane, Mozilla Foundation
[unknown] UTC
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Direct social perception
Ed Baggs, University of Southern Denmark
[unknown] UTC
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On Seeing - a conversation with Fred Cummins
Fred Cummins, Department of Computer Science, University College Dublin
[unknown] UTC
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Enactivism, The Technological Environment, and the Paradox of Moral Perception
Janna van Grunsven, Delft University of Technology
[unknown] UTC
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Situating sense-making: The historical and ecological dimensions of enactive cognition
Miguel Sepúlveda-Pedro, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
[unknown] UTC
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The Environmental Normativities of Well-Being
Laura Mojica, Embodied Cognitive Science Unit, OIST
[unknown] UTC
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Stress-adapted cognition, precarious environments, and ecological sensitivity to context
Amanda Corris, Wake Forest University
[unknown] UTC
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The Energy Homeostasis Principle: A naturalistic approach to explain the emergence of behaviour
Mario Villalobos and Rodrigo Vergara, Universidad de Tarapacá y Universidad Metropolitana de las Ciencias de la Educación
[unknown] UTC
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The Circularity of the Embodied Mind
Thomas Fuchs, University of Heidelberg
[unknown] UTC
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Choreography and Collective Reasoning: Democratic Linguistic Bodies.
Shay Welch, Spelman College
[unknown] UTC
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Human Cognitive Pacemakers: Beyond Functionlistic, Formalistic Analysis of Life
Sarah Bro Trasmundi, Oslo University; Centre for Human Interactivity, Unversity of Southern Denmark
[unknown] UTC
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A Meteorological or Oceanographic Approach to the Self: An Interpretation of the “Gap” of Zeami
Tetsuya Kono, Rikkyo University
[unknown] UTC
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Laying down a path to walk in: enaction, design and multiscale interventions for change
Mark James, OIST
[unknown] UTC
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Mindshaping, Enactivism, and Ideological Oppression
Michelle Maiese, Emmanuel College
[unknown] UTC
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The Whole Person: Intersectionality and the Ecological Approach
Alexandra Paxton, University of Connecticut
[unknown] UTC
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An Interview with Tim Ingold
Tim Ingold, University of Aberdeen
[unknown] UTC
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Perceptual Science and the Nature of Perception
Alessandra Buccella, Wesleyan University
[unknown] UTC
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Fuzzy Boundaries: Deep Continuities of Mind and Matter
Louise Barrett, University of Lethbridge
[unknown] UTC
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In Honour of John Stewart
Panel Discussion
[unknown] UTC
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Regarding Perspectives: Bridging Feminist and Enactivist Theorizing
Nick Brancazio, University of Wollongong
[unknown] UTC
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Ecological psychology and enaction: convergence or divergence?
Manuel Heras Escribano, University of Granada
[unknown] UTC
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The world at our fingertips: embodied cognition and the attention crisis
Jelle Bruineberg, Macquarie University
[unknown] UTC
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The less known history of ecological psychology: Roger Barker and the Midwest Psychological Field Station
Jytte Bang & Sofie Pedersen, Roskilde University
[unknown] UTC
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Perceiving like a girl? A predictive version of Sensorimotor Enactivism in the face of situated embodiment
Jimena Clavel, University of Tartu
[unknown] UTC
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Agency from a radical embodied perspective: An ecological-enactive approach
Miguel Segundo Ortin, University of Wollongong
[unknown] UTC
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Scale matters: temporality of affordances
Melina Gastelum, National Autonomous University of Mexico
[unknown] UTC
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Arrows that come and go: Picturing organisms and their environments
Ezequiel A. Di Paolo, Ikerbasque; University of Sussex
[unknown] UTC
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Entangled lives: introducing the constraint closure formalism for an anthropologically engaged enactivism
Juan M. Loaiza, Independent scholar
[unknown] UTC
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Artificial Relevance
Julian Kiverstein, Amsterdam University Medical Centre
[unknown] UTC
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The Symbol Ungrounding Problem
Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi, University of Warsaw
[unknown] UTC
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Loving and knowing. Reflections for an engaged epistemology
Hanne De Jaegher, University of the Basque Country
[unknown] UTC
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An enactive approach to psychiatry
Sanneke de Haan, Tilburg University
[unknown] UTC
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Naturally Evolving Minds: Transformation and Continuity
Glenda Satne, University of Wollongong
[unknown] UTC
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Places as Emergent Dynamic Structures in Everyday Life
Harry Heft, Denison University
[unknown] UTC
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From jointly enacting affect-imbued action-arcs to systemically-structured sense-and-action-scapes: how infants come to co-create a shared object-world to engage with
Nicole Rossmanith, University of Portsmouth
[unknown] UTC
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Beyond Content: Explications, Motivations and Implications
Dan D. Hutto, University of Wollongong
[unknown] UTC
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Radical Embodiment and Real Cognition
Tony Chemero, University of Cincinnati
[unknown] UTC
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Making Sense of Autopoiesis
Randy Beer
[unknown] UTC
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Investigating the Role of Empowerment Maximisation in Constitutive Autonomy, Adaptivity and Open-Ended Development
Christian Guckelsberger, Computational Creativity Group, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
[unknown] UTC
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Is there room for normativity in a dynamical world?
Tom Froese, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
[unknown] UTC
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Material Agency and Cloud Technology
Rob Clowes, Lisbon Mind & Cognition Group, ARGLAB, Nova Institute of Philosophy, New University of Lisbon
[unknown] UTC
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Diversity and the Minimal Self - Investigating the Self from an Enactive Viewpoint
Miriam Kyselo, Technische Universität Berlin
[unknown] UTC
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The Zero Mode of Human Activity
Ezequiel Di Paolo, Ikerbasque; University of Sussex
[unknown] UTC
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Going Round in Circles
Inman Harvey, University of Sussex
[unknown] UTC
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Radical enactivism and autopoietic theory of cognition: Prospects for a full revolution in cognitive science
Mario Villalobos, University of Tarapaca, Chile
[unknown] UTC
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Interview with Erik Rietveld on Affordances and Freedom in Skilled Action
Erik Rietveld, University of Amsterdam
[unknown] UTC
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Linguistic bodies: what they are, what they are not, what they might be
Elena Cuffari, Worcester State University
[unknown] UTC
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Experiments, Simulations, and Surprises
Emily Parke, University of Auckland
[unknown] UTC
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The Heart of Self-Awareness
Mog Stapleton, University of Tuebingen
[unknown] UTC
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The Subject of Joint Speech
Fred Cummins, University College Dublin
[unknown] UTC
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Consciousness, Conceptual Agency, and the Unbinding Problem
Joel Parthemore, University of Skövde
[unknown] UTC
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The Philosophical Foundations of Embodied Cognition: The 140 Year Old Groundwork for Our Field
Eric Charles, American University
[unknown] UTC
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A dialogue on: What does the Interactive Brain Hypothesis mean for Social Neuroscience?
Hanne De Jaegher, University of the Basque Country
[unknown] UTC
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Ontogeny and Adaptivity in a Model Protocell
Eran Agmon, Indiana University
[unknown] UTC
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Enactivism and the Origins of Life
Nathaniel Virgo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Earth-Life Science Institute
[unknown] UTC
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Habit Based Regulation of Essential Variables
Matthew Egbert, Harvard University
[unknown] UTC
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The Dimensions of Experience
Marek McGann, Mary Immaculate College
[unknown] UTC
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